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      Private equity vs Investment banking

      • 5 min read
      • Last Modified Date: February 7, 2024
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      Private equity vs Investment banking Overview

      Private equity vs Investment banking Although they both raise money for investments, investment banking, private equity, and investment banking do it differently. After identifying companies, investment banks enter the capital markets to seek out opportunities to raise capital from investors. Conversely, high-net-worth investors are gathered by private equity firms, which then search for opportunities to invest in other companies.

      What is Investment Banking?

      An investment bank assists clients with capital raising, restructuring, and transactions such as mergers and acquisitions. Investment bankers receive payment in the form of fees for their advice services on business transactions.

      Investment banks also advise issuers on the issuance and distribution of stock.

      The investment banking industry includes consultants, banking analysts, capital market analysts, research associates, trading specialists, and many more roles. Everyone needs a different background in education and skills.

      The fast-paced, high-pressure world of investment banking calls for sharp analytical abilities and careful attention to detail.

      What is Private Equity?

      On the other hand, Private Equity firms are associations of investors that invest in companies using pools of money gathered from rich people, endowments, insurance companies, pension funds, and so forth. PE investors are, in simple terms, investors rather than advisors.

      After that, they try to increase the businesses’ productivity and profitability in order to sell them for a profit. 

      The two main sources of revenue for private equity funds are: a) getting large sums of money from capital holders and charging a percentage of these pools; and b) making money on their investments.

      In the highly competitive industry of private equity, one needs to possess strong analytical abilities, business expertise, and the capacity to function well under pressure.

      Differences between Investment Banking and Private Equity

      Although there are certain similarities between private equity and investment banking, there are also some significant differences. Here are a few:


      Investment banks offer various services, such as securities trading, mergers and acquisitions, and underwriting. Conversely, private equity firms concentrate on purchasing and disposing of businesses.

      Client types

      Investment banks serve a broad spectrum of clients, such as businesses, governments, and other financial organisations. Institutional investors and high-net-worth (HNIs)  individuals are the usual clients of private equity firms.

      Deal structures

      Investment banking transactions are usually organised around securities, like bonds and stocks. Private equity transactions are organised around the acquisition and divestiture of businesses.


      High salaries are offered in both sectors, but investment banks and private equity firms usually provide more generous compensation packages.

      Work-life balance

       The world of investment banking is renowned for its long hours and demanding atmosphere. While private equity can also be extremely demanding, the hours are usually more consistent.

      Career progression

       Although there are chances for advancement in both sectors, the career paths are distinct. Typically, investment bankers advance to the position of managing director or partner. Professionals in private equity frequently go on to become CEOs or other senior executives.

      Investment Banking vs Private Equity

      Here is a comparison table that highlights some key differences between private equity and investment banking:

      CriteriaPrivate EquityInvestment Banking
      FocusInvesting in private companiesProviding financial advisory services
      OwnershipAcquire controlling stakesNo direct ownership
      Time HorizonLong-term investmentsShort-term deals and transactions
      Target CompaniesEstablished and mature companiesVarious companies at different stages
      RoleActive involvement in operationsFacilitating transactions and deals
      Exit StrategyProfit through sale or IPOFacilitating deals for clients
      DealsFewer but larger transactionsMany smaller transactions and deals
      CompensationCarry (share of profits)Bonuses, commissions, and fees
      RiskHigher due to concentrated betsLower due to a diversified portfolio
      Work-Life BalanceTypically demanding and intenseLong hours and a high-pressure environment


      The Role of Commercial Real Estate in Investment Banking and Private Equity

      The private equity and investment banking sectors both heavily rely on commercial real estate. Private equity firms invest in commercial real estate properties, and investment banks finance projects related to the latter. Although investing in commercial real estate can be profitable, risks are involved. Having a thorough understanding of the commercial real estate industry and its associated risks is imperative before making any investments.

      Investment Banking and Commercial Real Estate

      Investment banks are essential to the commercial real estate sector because they offer funding for a range of initiatives. Through the underwriting and selling of securities, including stocks and bonds, they assist clients in raising capital. 

      Investment banks also assist customers with complicated financial transactions and offer guidance on mergers and acquisitions. Investment bankers serve a broad spectrum of customers, such as governments, businesses, and other financial organisations.

      Investment banks finance a range of projects in the commercial real estate sector, including hotels, shopping malls, and office buildings. By underwriting and selling securities like commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), they assist clients in raising capital. 

      Investment banks also offer their clients advisory services, including market analysis, feasibility studies, and real estate valuation.

      Private Equity and Commercial Real Estate

      Another important player in the commercial real estate market is private equity firms. Funds raised from investors are utilised by private equity firms to acquire businesses they see as having growth potential. After that, they try to increase the businesses’ productivity and profitability in order to sell them for a profit. Institutional investors and high-net-worth(HNIs) individuals are the usual clients of private equity firms.

      Private equity firms participate in the commercial real estate market by purchasing properties like hotels, shopping malls, and office buildings. By acquiring these properties, they hope to increase their profitability and operational efficiency before turning a profit on their sale. 

      Additionally, private equity firms offer their clients advisory services in the areas of real estate valuation, market analysis, and feasibility studies.

      Key Factors Driving Investment

      Investment bankers and private equity investors find commercial real estate appealing for a number of reasons, including:

      • Stable Income Streams: For investors looking for steady cash flows, commercial real estate, especially through leasing agreements, provides steady and predictable income streams.
      • Portfolio Diversification: By providing a non-correlated asset class that might not move in lockstep with traditional financial markets, real estate investments help to reduce overall portfolio risk.
      • Inflation Hedging: Since property values and rental income have the potential to increase in tandem with rising costs, real assets—including commercial real estate—are frequently regarded as efficient inflation hedges.
      • Potential for Value Creation: Private equity firms can increase the value of real estate assets by redeveloping, repositioning, or improving operational efficiency by utilising their operational expertise.
      • Long-Term Capital Appreciation: In addition to producing income now, commercial real estate has the potential to increase in value over time, fostering capital growth and long-term wealth development.

      Bottom Line

      A branch of banking called “investment banking” advises both individuals and businesses on major, detailed financial transactions. Contrarily, private equity is an investment company that pools capital from high-net-worth individuals and businesses. Investment banking and private equity have different business models, but they both aim to raise money for investments.

      To sum up, commercial real estate plays a significant role in both private equity and investment banking. Private equity firms invest in commercial real estate properties, and investment banks finance projects related to the latter. 

      Fractional ownership is a useful tool for investment banks and private equity firms to offer their clients new investment opportunities and diversify their real estate portfolios. Fractional ownership is undoubtedly a trend to watch if finance and commercial real estate are your areas of interest.

      Investors can access profitable commercial real estate investment opportunities through Assetmonk, an alternative investing platform. Assetmonk’s fractional ownership options offer a high potential earning yield of 14 to 21% annually for long-term retail investors looking to expand their exposure to the CRE market. 

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