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      High to Low: Evaluate How Your Money Will Grow With Every Investment Option

      • 5 min read
      • Last Modified Date: September 5, 2023
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      Before investing in any of the investment options listed below, the investor’s risk profile must be matched with the risks associated with the investment product. The top ten investment opportunities are listed below.

      Most investors seek investments that provide significant returns quickly while minimizing the risk of principal loss. There is, unfortunately, no such thing as a high-return, low-risk investment product. Before making any investment, match your risk profile to the product’s risks.

      Investment products are classified into two types: financial assets and non-financial assets. Some investments carry a high level of risk, but they have the potential to outperform other asset classes in terms of inflation-adjusted returns over time. Others are less risky but provide lower returns. Financial assets are divided into two categories: market-linked goods (such as stocks and mutual funds) and fixed income products.

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      Best Investing Options To Earn Higher Returns

      Here are the ten investing options that Indians consider when saving for financial goals.

      • Real Estate

      The house you live in is for personal use only and should never be considered an investment. If you do not intend to live in the second home, it can be used as a rental property.

      The location of your home is the single most important factor in determining its value as well as the rental income it may generate. Real estate investments can generate profits in two ways: capital appreciation and rental income. In comparison to other asset classes, real estate, on the other hand, is extremely illiquid. The other major risk is obtaining the necessary regulatory clearances, which have been addressed significantly since the arrival of the real estate regulator. The other major risk is obtaining the required regulatory clearances, which have been significantly addressed since the arrival of the real estate regulator.

      Read Also: Real estate or Stock Market? Everything You Need to Know to Make an Informed Choice!

      • Direct equity

      Since stocks are a volatile asset class with no profit guarantee, they may not be suitable for everyone. Furthermore, it is difficult not only to choose the right stock but also to time your entry and exit. The only bright spot is that, over long periods of time, equity has outperformed all other asset classes in terms of inflation-adjusted returns.

      Simultaneously, you risk losing a significant portion, if not all, of your money unless you use the stop-loss approach to limit losses. A stop-loss order is a planned sale of a stock at a certain price. It is advised to diversify your investment portfolio to mitigate risk to a certain extent. To invest in stocks directly, you must first open a Demat account.

      • Equity mutual funds

      Equity mutual funds primarily invest in equity stocks. According to the Mutual Fund Regulations of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), an equity mutual fund scheme must invest at least 65 percent of its assets in equities and equity-related securities. You can manage your investment in equity funds either passively or actively.

      In an actively traded fund, a fund manager’s ability to generate returns is critical. Index funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that are passively managed mirror the underlying index. Equity plans are classified based on their market capitalization or the industries in which they invest.

      They are also classified as domestic (investing only in stocks of Indian companies) or foreign (investing only in stocks of foreign companies) (investing in stocks of overseas companies).

      Read Also: Real Estate, Stock, or Cryptocurrency- The Most & Least Volatile Option

      • Debt mutual funds

      Debt mutual funds are perfect for investors looking for a steady stream of returns. They are less volatile and thus less risky than equity funds. Debt mutual funds primarily invest in fixed-income securities such as corporate bonds, government securities, treasury bills, commercial paper, and other money-market instruments.

      However, these mutual funds are not without risk. They are at risk of interest rate and credit risk. As a result, before investing, investors should thoroughly research the risks involved.

      • National Pension System

      The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority oversees the National Pension System (NPS), a long-term retirement investment program (PFRDA). An NPS Tier-1 account’s annual payment has been reduced from Rs 6,000 to Rs 1,000. It is made up of various assets such as stock, fixed deposits, corporate bonds, liquid money, and government funds. Based on your risk tolerance, you can decide how much of your money to invest in equities through NPS.

      • Public Provident Fund (PPF)

      Since PPFs have a term of 15 years, the benefit of compounding tax-free interest is significant, especially in later years. Furthermore, it is a secure investment because the interest and principal invested are guaranteed by the government. Keep in mind that the interest rate on PPFs is reviewed by the government every quarter.

      • Bank fixed deposit (FD)

      In India, a bank fixed deposit is regarded as a more secure investment option (than stocks or mutual funds). Under the deposit insurance and credit guarantee corporation (DICGC) guidelines, each depositor in a bank is covered up to a maximum of Rs 5 lakh for the combined principle and interest amount as of February 4, 2020.

      Previously, total principal and interest coverage was restricted to Rs 1 lakh. Depending on your needs, you can choose between monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly, or cumulative interest. Earned interest is added to one’s income and taxed based on one’s tax bracket.

      • Senior Citizens’ Saving Scheme (SCSS)

      The Senior Citizens’ Saving Scheme, which is likely to be most retirees’ first choice, is a must-have in their investment portfolios. As the name implies, this scheme is only available to seniors or early retirees. SCSS can be applied for by anyone over the age of 60 at a post office or a bank.

      SCSS has a five-year term that can be extended by three years if the scheme matures. The maximum amount that can be invested is Rs 15 lakh, and multiple accounts can be opened. SCSS interest is taxable and is distributed in quarterly installments. Remember that the scheme’s interest rate is reviewed and adjusted quarterly.

      If you invest in the scheme, you will continue to receive the same interest rate until it matures. Senior citizens can deduct up to Rs 50,000 in SCSS interest earned during the fiscal year under Section 80TTB.

      • Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY)

      PMVVY is a program for people over the age of 60 that guarantees an annual return of 7.4 percent. The system provides pension income that can be paid monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually, depending on the option selected. The minimum and maximum monthly pension payments are Rs 1,000 and Rs 9,250, respectively. The maximum investment under this scheme is INR 15 Lakhs. It will take ten years to complete the project. The programme will be in effect until March 31, 2023. The money is returned to the senior citizen when the investment matures. In the event of a senior’s death, the money will be paid to the nominee.

      • Gold

      Possessing gold in the form of jewelry raises its own set of issues, such as safety and high cost. Then there are the making charges, which typically range from 6% to 14% of the cost of gold. Individuals who want to purchase gold coins still have a choice.

      Several banks now sell gold coins. Paper gold is yet another alternative method to invest in gold. Investing in paper gold is less expensive, and it is possible to do so through gold ETFs. This type of investing (buying and selling) takes place on a stock exchange (NSE or BSE), with gold serving as the underlying asset. Sovereign Gold Bonds are another way to obtain paper gold. Another option for an investor is a gold mutual fund.

      Also Read: Gold or Real estate – which is the best option for you?

      Some of the above-mentioned investments are fixed-income, while others are linked to financial markets. Fixed income and market-linked assets both contribute to wealth creation. Market-linked investments have a high potential for profit, but they also carry a high level of risk. Fixed income investments help to preserve collected capital in order to achieve the desired goal. Long-term objectives necessitate making the most of both environments. Maintain a prudent investment mix while considering risk, taxation, and time horizon. If you are looking for an ideal investment partner to start your real estate investment, Assetmonk is a good option. Assetmonk offers investment opportunities with IRRs ranging from 14 to 21%. Click here to begin investing right away!

      How to Evaluate Your Money While making Investment

      How do you evaluate investment options?

      The payback time, internal rate of return, and net present value are three often used investment analysis approaches. Each provides some estimate of the expected return on investment based on various assumptions and investment horizons. When evaluating a prospective investment, we evaluate its cost to its revenue.

      Does your money grow when you invest?

      When you invest, you buy things and keep your money in a designated investing account. When you save, your possibility for advancement is reduced, if not non-existent. Investing allows you to beat inflation by earning interest, ensuring that your money’s purchasing power remains robust.

      What is the best way for money investment?

      Real estate was recognized as the finest long-term investment, far outperforming gold, equities, and mutual funds, savings accounts/CDs, and bonds. And it’s the same in India, where the emotional joy of owning your land is innately high.

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