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      Where to Invest Money to Get Good Returns

      • 5 min read
      • Last Modified Date: July 2, 2024
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      • In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various investment avenues available in India, assess their risks and potential returns, and provide you with insights on where to invest money for a secure and prosperous financial future.
      • Investing money wisely is not just a financial goal but a necessity in today’s world. India, with its diverse investment options, offers numerous opportunities to grow your wealth. However, navigating this landscape can be challenging.
      • If you’re looking for the best investment opportunity in India, especially in the realm of fixed income, consider exploring the real estate market.
      • One particularly enticing option within this domain is structured debt investments, with a specific focus on the commercial real estate sector. 
      • These structured debt investments in real estate entail customized financing solutions tailored to suit commercial real estate projects.
      • They present investors with the prospect of potentially securing attractive returns and regular income streams.
      • What’s notable is that entry into this investment avenue is accessible with a relatively modest initial investment of 10 lakhs, and it holds the potential to yield returns ranging from 12 to 20%.
      • These investment opportunities are made available through well-established alternative investment platforms like Assetmonk.
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      Where to Invest Money to Get Good Returns

      Structured Debt Investments:

      Structured debt supported by real estate stands out as a top investment choice in India, providing fixed-income prospects backed by secured real estate assets. It serves as an excellent option for short-term investments and ranks among the high-return investment plans available in India. 

      On platforms like Assetmonk, the minimum investment period is 36 months, making it an appealing choice, especially for senior citizens seeking consistent monthly income.

      1. Tenure: 36 months
      2. Minimum Investment: Rs. 10 lacs
      3. Maximum Investment: No cap
      4. Average Return: 12% – 20% (approx.)
      5. Risk: Low-None
      6. Taxation: Interest is taxable
      7. Tax Benefits: Claim tax benefits up to Rs.50k

      Traditional Investment Options 

      Stock Market:

      India’s stock market is vibrant, with opportunities for both short-term traders and long-term investors. Invest in individual stocks or consider mutual funds for diversification.

      1. Tenure: Varies
      2. Minimum Investment: Varies
      3. Maximum Investment: No defined limit
      4. Average Return: 7% – 12% (historical)
      5. Risk: High
      6. Taxation: Taxable (Capital Gains)
      7. Tax Benefits: Long-term capital gains on equity investments are exempt up to a certain limit.

      Fixed Deposits:

      Banks and financial institutions offer fixed deposit accounts with fixed interest rates, providing a safe but relatively lower return on your investment.

      1. Tenure: 7 days to 10 years
      2. Minimum Investment: Rs.1000
      3. Maximum Investment: No defined limit
      4. Average Return: 3% – 6% (approx.)
      5. Risk: Low
      6. Taxation: Interest is taxable
      7. Tax Benefits: No specific tax benefits

      Public Provident Fund (PPF)

      PPF is a government-backed savings scheme offering tax benefits and compound interest, making it a popular choice for long-term savings.

      1. Tenure: 15 years
      2. Minimum Investment: ₹500
      3. Maximum Investment: ₹1.5 lakh/year
      4. Average Return: 7% – 8% (historical)
      5. Risk: Low
      6. Taxation: Tax-free (EEE – Exempt, Exempt, Exempt)
      7. Tax Benefits: Tax deduction under Section 80C

      Government Schemes and Bonds 

      Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)

      SSY is a government scheme designed for the financial well-being of girls, offering tax benefits and compound interest.

      1. Interest: 8%
      2. Tenure:  The tenure of the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana account is typically 21 years from the date of opening the account. This means that the account matures after 21 years.
      3. Minimum Investment: Rs. 1000
      4. Maximum Investment: Rs. 1.5 lacs
      5. Tax Deduction on Principal: There is no tax deduction available on the principal amount invested in SSY. 
      6. Tax on Interest: Interest earned on SSY is not subject to taxation.

      National Pension System (NPS)

      NPS is a retirement savings scheme that provides market-linked returns and tax advantages.

      1. Interest Rate: 9%-12%.
      2. Investment Duration: The National Pension System (NPS) offers flexible tenures, ranging from a few years to several decades, depending on factors like your entry age, chosen retirement age, and contribution period. However, the maturity period is fixed at 60 years.
      3. Minimum Initial Contribution: For the Tier I NPS account, the minimum contribution is Rs. 500, while the Tier II NPS account requires a minimum contribution of Rs. 250.
      4. Maximum Investment: No upper limit.
      5. Principal Tax Benefit: Tax deductions are available on the principal amount.
      6. Interest Taxation: The interest earned is tax-exempt.

      Government Gold Bonds

      Invest in government bonds for low-risk, fixed-income options. Bonds like the Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) offer a unique investment opportunity.

      1. Tenure: 8 years
      2. Minimum Investment: 1 gram of Gold
      3. Maximum Investment: 4 kg of Gold/year
      4. Average Return: 2.5% fixed rate + Gold price changes
      5. Risk: Low to Moderate
      6. Taxation: Interest is taxable, and exempt from Capital Gains

      Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

      Equity Mutual Funds

      These funds invest in stocks, providing diversification and professional management.

      1. Interest Rate: Variable, contingent on market conditions and investment duration.
      2. Tenure: Varies
      3. Minimum Investment: Rs. 100 for lump-sum investments and Rs. 500 for SIPSs
      4. Maximum Investment: No defined limit
      5. Average Return: 12%
      6. Risk: High
      7. Taxation: Taxable (Capital Gains)
      8. Tax Benefits: Long-term capital gains on equity investments are exempt up to a certain limit.

      Debt Mutual Funds

      Debt funds invest in fixed-income securities, offering stability and potential tax efficiency.

      1. Interest Rate: Ranges from 6% to 9% per annum, contingent on the investment duration and fund type.
      2. Tenure: Varies
      3. Minimum Investment: Varies
      4. Maximum Investment: No defined limit
      5. Average Return: 6%-9%, Varies based on fund type and market conditions
      6. Risk: Moderate to high
      7. Taxation: Taxable (Capital Gains)
      8. Tax Benefits: No specific tax benefits

      Gold ETFs:

      ETFs are bought and sold on stock exchanges, just like individual stocks, with the goal of mirroring specific sectors or indices.

      1. Tenure: No locked-in period
      2. Minimum Investment: Rs.500
      3. Maximum Investment: No defined limit
      4. Average Return: Varies based on underlying assets
      5. Risk: Moderate to High
      6. Taxation: Taxable (Capital Gains)
      7. Tax Benefits: Similar to equity investments

      Alternative Investments 

      Assetmonk distinguishes itself as an outstanding alternative investment platform in India, presenting a diverse range of appealing options for astute investors. Within these opportunities, individuals can delve into the domain of structured debt investments within the commercial real estate sector and a carefully curated assortment of alternative investment selections.

      Gold and Precious Metals 

      Gold is one of the best return investment plans in india. Investing in gold or other precious metals provides a hedge against inflation and market uncertainties.

      1. Tenure: Varies
      2. Minimum Investment: Varies
      3. Maximum Investment: No defined limit
      4. Average Return: Varies based on gold prices
      5. Risk: Low to Moderate
      6. Taxation: Taxable (Capital Gains)
      7. Tax Benefits: Gold Monetization Scheme offers potential tax benefits on interest earned.

      Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) 

      Participating in IPOs allows investors to buy shares of companies during their public offerings.

      1. Tenure: Short
      2. Minimum Investment: Varies
      3. Maximum Investment: Varies
      4. Average Return: Varies based on company performance
      5. Risk: High
      6. Taxation: Taxable (Capital Gains)
      7. Tax Benefits: No specific tax benefits

      Where to Invest Money to Get Good Returns

      Investment OptionRisk LevelPotential ReturnsLiquiditySuitable for
      Real structured debtLow12%-20%HighInvestors who want small investments big returns
      Fixed Deposits (FDs)Low4%-8%Varies depending on termsConservative investors looking for capital preservation and regular income
      Public Provident Fund (PPF)Low to Moderate7.1%Low (lock-in period of 15 years)Individuals seeking tax-efficient, long-term investments
      POMISLow7.1%ModerateInvestors seeking low-risk investment with regular monthly income 
      Mutual FundsVaries (based on fund type)6%-9%Moderate to High (depending on fund type)Investors seeking professional management and potential for higher returns
      National Pension System (NPS)Moderate8%-10%Low to Medium (withdrawal restrictions apply)Individuals planning for long-term retirement
      Equity SharesHigh6.6%High (can be bought and sold on stock exchanges)Investors with a higher risk appetite and a long-term investment horizon
      Sovereign Gold BondsModerate2.5%LowIndividuals seeking a hedge against inflation and want fixed income
      GoldModerate12%Moderate (depending on form of investment)Individuals seeking a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations

      Tips for Where to Invest Money Wisely

      Risk Assessment and Diversification 

      Understanding your risk tolerance is crucial in making investment decisions. Balancing high-risk, high-return investments with safer options is key to a well-diversified portfolio that can withstand market fluctuations.

      Tax Considerations 

      Explore tax-saving investment options like Equity-Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) and PPF to optimize your tax liability.

      Investment Goals

      Define clear investment goals, whether it’s buying a home, funding your child’s education, or planning for retirement, and align your investments accordingly.

      Professional Advice and Due Diligence

      Consider consulting a financial advisor to create a personalized investment strategy. Always conduct thorough research and due diligence before committing your money to any investment avenue.

      Monitoring and Adjusting Your Portfolio 

      Regularly review your investments and make necessary adjustments to stay aligned with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Stay informed about changes in market conditions and economic trends.


      Investing money in India offers a multitude of opportunities to grow your wealth and secure your financial future. By understanding your financial goals, risk tolerance, and the various investment options available, you can make informed decisions on where to invest your money.

      Remember that successful investing often requires a long-term perspective, diversification, and periodic portfolio adjustments. Start your investment journey today, and watch your wealth flourish in the dynamic Indian financial landscape.

      Assetmonk distinguishes itself as an outstanding alternative investment platform in India, presenting a diverse range of appealing options for astute investors. Within these opportunities, individuals can delve into the domain of structured debt investments within the commercial real estate sector and a carefully curated assortment of alternative investment selections.

      Assetmonk offers exclusive and customized investment possibilities to its esteemed clientele, with a minimum investment requirement of 10 lakhs and a guaranteed Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 17 percent.

      Related Articles

      1. Best Short Term Investments With Higher Returns.
      2. Long Term Vs Short Term Real Estate Investment – Find The Right Strategy For Your Needs.
      3. Structured Debt Backed by Real Estate vs. Debt Mutual Funds: Exploring Risk and Yield Potential


      Q1. Where should I invest my money?

      A.  You can invest your money in a ton of options. These options are stocks, real estate, structured debt, ETFs, PPFs, and EPFs.

      Q2. Where do I invest my money to grow?

      A. Some of the best investment options for your money to grow are

      • Fixed Deposits (FDs): Invest in FDs with monthly interest payout options.
      • Dividend Stocks: Invest in dividend-paying stocks that provide regular income in the form of dividends.
      • Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP): Invest in mutual funds and set up an SWP to receive a fixed monthly payout.

      Q3. How to invest 10 lakhs for monthly income?

      A. You can invest your hard-earned Rs. 10 lakhs into Assetmonk’s real estate structured debt. These are short-term investments for a period of 36 months only. They are also fixed income investments. The fixed-income nature of these products implies that they are committed to returning a fixed amount to investors regularly, akin to receiving scheduled interest payments on a loan. They also carry just moderate risk. And guess what? Get an assured IRR of 17 percent. 

      Q4. How can I invest smartly?

      A. To invest smartly, follow these guidelines:

      • Set Clear Financial Goals
      • Diversify
      • Assess Risk Tolerance
      • Invest for the long-term
      • Regularly Contribute
      • Stay Informed
      • Seek Professional Advice
      • Review and Adjust
      • Use Tax-Efficient Strategies
      • Stay Disciplined
      Assetmonk Investment
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