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      Procedures for NPS Withdrawal Online

      • 5 min read
      • Last Modified Date: April 30, 2024
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      The Non-Pension Savings (NPS) Scheme is a government-sponsored investment program aimed at helping citizens save for their retirement. Online account access and investment management are now available to NPS subscribers thanks to the convenience of the internet. However, the procedure for taking money out of an NPS account can appear difficult and confusing, especially to those who are not familiar with the procedures. Detailed instructions on how to withdraw NPS online will be provided in this blog. 

      We will go over everything, including the requirements for eligibility, the paperwork needed, and the detailed procedure for taking money out of your NPS account. Whether you are an experienced investor or a first-time NPS subscriber, this guide will give you the knowledge you need to get the most out of your NPS investment.

      NPS Withdrawal Limits for Tier 1 and Tier 2 Accounts

      Regarding withdrawals, the National Pension System, or NPS, has different policies for its Tier 1 and Tier 2 accounts. For those who are prepared to withdraw, it is crucial to comprehend these regulations.

      NPS Tier 2 Withdrawal Limits

      Withdrawals from NPS Tier 2 are not subject to any limitations. This indicates that investors who select NPS Tier 2 don’t need to be concerned about any withdrawal caps or restrictions. It is crucial to keep in mind, though, that Tier 2 NPS investments do not enjoy the same tax advantages as Tier 1 investments. Investments in NPS Tier 2 are not eligible for any tax deductions under Section 80C and its subdivisions.

      NPS Tier 1 Withdrawal Limits

      The NPS Tier 1 has established withdrawal caps. The kind of withdrawal being made and the amount being withheld both affect the limits. Pre-maturity, partial, and post-maturity withdrawals are the three categories that NPS Tier 1 categorizes withdrawals into. There are specific guidelines and restrictions for each of these withdrawal types. To make wise decisions about their investments, those who invest in NPS Tier 1 should become familiar with these guidelines and restrictions.

      Rules for NPS Premature Withdrawal

      After the subscriber reaches 60 years old, the NPS Tier 1 account becomes withdrawable. Only after three years have passed since the account’s opening date is an early withdrawal from NPS Tier 1 permitted. An “exit prematurely” is what is meant by this. At the time of an early exit, only 20% of the corpus may be withdrawn; the remaining 80% must be used to buy an annuity. Taxes apply to both the annuity and the 20% withdrawal.

      For instance, it would be viewed as a premature exit if a subscriber with a NPS corpus of Rs. 10 lakh decided to withdraw at the age of 40. They are only permitted to withdraw Rs 2 lakh, which will be taxed at their respective tax slab rates. The purchase of an annuity that would provide a monthly pension with the remaining Rs 8 lakh is required. 

      The annuity itself is taxed annually, but the purchase of the annuity is not taxed in the year of purchase. As an illustration, if an annuity worth Rs 60,000 per year is purchased from the Rs 8 lakh NPS corpus, it will be taxed as Rs 60,000 in the first year, Rs 60,000 in the second year, and so on.

      Partial Withdrawals from NPS Corpus Allowed for Specific Purposes

      You are permitted to withdraw a portion of your NPS contribution for specified uses. The maximum withdrawal allowed under the current regulations is 25% of your total contribution, regardless of the balance in your NPS account. You must have been an NPS subscriber for at least ten years at the time of withdrawal in order to be eligible for partial withdrawals. Up to three partial withdrawals are permitted during the lifetime of your NPS account. The current NPS regulations state that these partial withdrawals are tax-free.

      For the following reasons, partial NPS contribution withdrawals are permitted:

      • Higher education of children
      • Marriage of children
      • Purchase or construction of a residential home or apartment in your name or the name of your spouse is prohibited if you or they already own or jointly own a home or apartment that isn’t ancestral property.
      • Treatment for conditions like cancer, kidney failure, pulmonary arterial hypertension, multiple sclerosis, major organ transplant, coronary artery bypass graft, aorta graft surgery, heart valve surgery, stroke, myocardial infarction, coma, total blindness, paralysis, accident of a serious/life-threatening nature, or other critical illnesses specified by PFRDA as being of a life-threatening nature. The subscriber, their spouse, their kids, or their dependent parents can all be patients.

      NPS Tier 1 Withdrawal Rules after Maturity

      The NPS Tier 1 account matures when the subscriber turns 60, but withdrawal is permissible only after turning 70. You may withdraw up to 60% of your corpus tax-free under current NPS withdrawal regulations for post-maturity. The remaining 40% must be used to purchase an annuity, which provides a monthly pension after retirement. The monthly pension received is taxable according to the subscriber’s tax bracket in the financial year of receipt.

      You can withdraw up to Rs. 60 lakh tax-free if your NPS corpus is worth Rs. 1 crore. An annuity from a business approved by the PFRDA must be purchased with the remaining Rs. 40 lakh. An annuity is not taxed when it is purchased, but as payments are received, the annuity is taxed at the subscriber’s tax rate. For instance, if you buy an annuity for Rs. 40 lakh and receive payments of Rs. 3.2 lakh per year until you pass away, these payments will be taxed in the years in which you receive them rather than the year you bought the annuity.

      Online NPS withdrawal guidelines

      You must enter your Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) and password in order to access your NPS account if you decide to leave the National Pension System (NPS) online. Both NPS Tier 1 and NPS Tier 2 have different withdrawal procedures. There are restrictions on withdrawal from NPS Tier 1, and it must be done in accordance with the guidelines established by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA).

      NPS Tier 2 withdrawals, however, are not subject to any limitations, and you are free to start the withdrawal process whenever a business day is open. You must use your PRAN and password to log into your NPS account in order to start a withdrawal request.


      Investments in the National Pension System (NPS) are wise choices for long-term retirement planning. NPS offers investors flexibility and security because it permits partial withdrawals for specific purposes and because the Tier 1 account matures at age 60. Using your PRAN and password, you can withdraw money online quickly and easily. 

      Understanding the limitations and requirements established by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) will help to ensure a simple and straightforward withdrawal process, regardless of whether you decide to withdraw from NPS Tier 1 or NPS Tier 2. 

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