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      Dreaming Of A Solid Passive Income Source? Real Estate To Turn That Into A Reality For You

      • 5 min read
      • Last Modified Date: January 22, 2024
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      Isn’t it always a good idea to make a little extra pocket money? Making money outside your day job can increase your net worth and provide you with extra peace of mind. Perhaps you’ve heard of passive income and how real estate is a prominent way to generate it. Here are a few things you should know about using real estate as a source of passive income.

      Many people mix up the terms real estate investing and passive income. Real estate can be considered a form of passive investing, but not always in the ways that investors believe. Passive real estate investing is the most effective way to put your money to work for you. But, before we get into the specific advantages of passive real estate investing, we need to define it and, more importantly, explain how and why it differs from active real estate investing.

      Many people imagine passive real estate investing as purchasing and renting out a piece of residential property, such as a single-family home, condominium unit, or apartment complex. They consider this passive income because, as they envision the investment, they will simply buy a piece of property, lease it out, and then gather checks from the tenants every month. It, however, is not passive real estate investing.

      At the very least, the investor in this scenario must choose the property to purchase and then collaborate with a property management company to make frequent decisions about which tenants to accept, whether to repair or replace a broken water heater and when to re-carpet or paint the property. If the investor does not choose to delegate these operational tasks to a property management company, they will be responsible for managing the property daily. It is an example of active real estate investing.

      So, what exactly do we mean by passive income and passive real estate investing?

      First, what is Passive Income?

      Passive income: Second source of income for which you do not have to get involved much.

      Passive income is a partially automated income stream. You make an initial capital investment, usually in the form of a stock, mutual fund, or other equity-based vehicles passive income, and then obtain an ownership stake in that investment, from which you receive dividends or other regular income.

      The fact that you are not straightforwardly handling the investment makes this type of income passive.

      But, what is Passive Income Real Estate?

      Passive Income Real Estate: Passive real estate investing is a type in which you put your money into a real estate project for which you will have no sole responsibility. Yet, generate income.

      Thus, passive real estate investing is a type in which you put your money into a project for which you will have no sole responsibility.

      You can invest in real estate passively in several ways, including purchasing stock in publicly traded real estate-related businesses. Real estate development firms, large real estate brokers, and construction firms are examples of these. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are companies that pool investors’ capital to invest in large real estate deals.

      And, with the emergence of real estate crowdfunding, you can now involve direct investments in individual real estate deals, consolidating your capital with other investors in equity or debt-based investments, while reaping the benefits of passive real estate investing.

      How to Invest in Real Estate for Passive Income

      Passive Real Estate Income Investing does not necessarily require much involvement or participation by the investor.

      Passive income can be an excellent way to bolster your current income and create financial streams to assist you in securing your retirement years. Rental properties are one of the most common ways to produce real estate passive income. Investors who perform their cards correctly can generate a consistent income from the rental income while also improving the property and building equity.

      There is a widespread misconception that passive income real estate investing necessitates little to no effort. On the other hand, those looking to produce passive income from the real estate should take an active role in what should get treated as a business. Owning passive income properties does necessitate some level of involvement, whether it is searching for properties, vetting tenants, employing a property manager, or tackling repairs. It is especially true for those looking to maximize their profits.

      But, there are many other ways through which you can invest in real estate with little involvement. And yet, generate steady passive income.

      How Can You Invest In Real Estate For Passive Income?

      Investors can obtain passive income via real estate by investing through fractional ownership, REITs, real estate crowdfunding, and real estate syndication. 

      • Fractional Ownership: A commercial real estate structure with fractional ownership is an investment structure in which many retail investors pool their capital to buy real estate properties. Investors get to be landowners of a piece of property based on their investments and the number of investments they make. The risks and rewards get shared by all investors. It is best suited for an individual investor who cannot afford to pay for and invest in the entire property. As a result, investors can purchase a stake in a high-end business or office building. They can also get consistent rent income, which helps them build wealth. In fractional real estate investment, you can invest up to INR 25 lacs. As a result, investing in fractional property becomes extremely affordable and yields a double return. So, the first benefit will be direct investment returns, whilst the second benefit will be property appreciation. Because you own a portion of the property, the value of your stake will soar as well. Its institutional investments are well-known. Individual investors are beginning to see it as a viable investment option. You can now co-own that office space via fractional ownership by investing a small amount and receiving annual rental returns of 6% to 10%.
      • Real Estate Syndications: Real estate syndications, unlike REITs, do not involve investing in a fund; rather, you purchase a particular real estate property and become an owner of the asset. As a passive real estate investor, you have more opportunities to increase your tax benefits as the owner of the real estate asset. In overview, a real estate syndication is a group of investors who pool their money to buy a piece of real estate. The general partner, also known as the syndicator, of a real estate syndication, locates a deal, coordinates the transaction and financing, and handles the investment once it is completed. Passive investors contribute the majority of the capital needed in exchange for real estate equity. Passive investors in real estate syndications are not required to be actively engaged in property management, accounting, or tenant-related issues. The disclosure of your level of risk is an excellent feature of real estate syndications. When you invest in a real estate syndication, you know exactly where you are investing, what asset you are investing in, and, most importantly, who you are investing with. This allows you to accurately underwrite the opportunity and communicate directly with your sponsorship team throughout your investment. Read Debt Syndication: What Does It Mean For Lenders & Borrowers.
      • Real Estate Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding is another option. Real estate crowdfunding, like syndications, involves a large number of individuals combining their capital to buy a property. To reach potential investors, real estate crowdfunding makes use of the internet and social media platforms. Many people choose real estate crowdfunding because it does not require a large investment to get started. You can start with as few as Rs. 25 lacs. Unlike REITs, crowdfunding allows you to invest directly in properties and select which ones you want to invest in. Furthermore, real estate crowdfunding allows investors to diversify their risk by not putting all of their money into the stock market.
      • REITs: Investing in REITs is the simplest way to obtain passive income in real estate. REITs are similar to mutual funds in that investors purchase shares, contribute money, and receive a monetary value in return. Most REITs are publicly listed investment opportunities that can be found on major stock exchanges, enabling you to buy and sell them quickly online. Your investment in a REIT is spread across a portfolio of real estate properties. REITs will return at least 90 percent of their earnings to shareholders in dividends, and they, like mutual funds, are generally very simple to invest in, making them an excellent passive income option for many investors. Read Exploring REITs? Here Are The 3 REITs Listed In India & How To Invest.

      The real estate industry has assisted many investors in increasing their income and achieving financial independence. However, a thorough understanding of the local market is critical to the success of your investment. Although purchasing real estate may be out of reach for many people, there are many other ways to invest that can provide passive income, such as Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), Crowdfunding, and Fractional Ownership.

      Ready to start earning passive income via real estate?

      Assetmonk simplifies the commercial real estate market for you. The company provides its investors with high-end A-Grade investment opportunities via fractional ownership and crowdfunding. It offers investment opportunities in real estate in Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore and IRRs of 14% – 21%.

      Dreaming Of A Solid Passive Income Source? Real Estate To Turn That Into A Reality For You FAQs

      What is the best way to make a passive income in real estate?

      Some of the best ways to make passive income in real estate are investing in fractional ownership, REITs, and real estate crowdfunding.

      How do you get into passive real estate?

      Real estate crowdfunding, real estate funds, and REITs are all ways to invest in real estate passively. You can earn extra money without doing too much with these investments.

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