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      Best One Time Investment Plan in India 2024

      • 5 min read
      • Last Modified Date: March 11, 2024
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      What is a One time investment plan?

      A one time investment plan is a financial strategy where a singular lump sum amount is invested at once into a specific scheme or asset, typically for a predetermined duration. This approach contrasts with regular investment plans where funds are invested periodically over time.

      Let’s look at the top 10 one time investment plans in India.

      Advantages of One Time Investment Plans in India

      • For those looking to increase their wealth or meet specific financial objectives, one time investment plans have several benefits.
      • These investment options provide convenience, the potential for high returns, and flexibility in investment choices. 
      • Understanding the advantages of one time investment plans can help individuals make informed decisions and optimize their investment strategies.

      ● Potential for Higher Returns

      • The best plan for a one time investment has the potential to generate higher returns compared to traditional savings accounts or recurring investments. 
      • By making a substantial initial investment, people can benefit from the power of compounding and potential growth. 

      ● Convenience

      The best one time investment plan with high returns offers convenience as individuals only need to make a single investment rather than regularly monitoring and managing multiple transactions.  This makes it a hassle-free choice, especially for those with hectic schedules or little experience with investing.

      ● Diversification

      The best high-return one time investment plan enables investors to diversify their portfolio. They can spread their risk and potentially reduce losses by making investments across a variety of asset classes or industries. Diversification offers protection from market fluctuations and economic volatility.

      ● Flexibility

      The best one time investment plan with high returns gives you the freedom to select the investment vehicle that best suits your preferences and level of risk tolerance. Depending on their financial objectives and risk tolerance, investors can choose from a variety of options, including real estate structured debts, mutual funds, and fixed deposits.

      ● Potential Tax Benefits

      Tax benefits may be associated with the best one time investment plan with high returns depending on the investment option chosen. Investments in programmes like the Public Provident Fund (PPF) and National Pension System (NPS), for instance, offer tax benefits that can help people minimise their tax liability. 

      One time investment plans Offered by Assetmonk in the form of structured debt offers an assured 17% IRR with Tax benefits upto  Rs. 50K.

      ● Long-Term Wealth Accumulation

      The best one time investment plan with the highest returns usually prioritises building long-term wealth. By making a substantial investment early on, individuals can give their money more time to grow and potentially achieve their financial goals, such as funding retirement or purchasing a property.

      Disadvantages of One Time Investment Plans in India

      ● Market Volatility

      One of the significant disadvantages of the best one time investment plans is the exposure to market volatility.  Over time, investments’ values may change, and market and economic conditions may have an impact on returns. The investment may take longer to recover from or result in brief losses if it is made during a market downturn.

      ● Lack of Cost Averaging

      The best plan for a one-time investment does not benefit from the concept of cost averaging. Regular investments let people buy more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high. One example is systematic investment plans (SIPs). A one-time investment plan may prevent people from taking advantage of this benefit.

      ● Timing Risk

      Even for experienced investors, correctly timing the market is difficult. Individuals who make a one-time investment run the risk of investing at a bad time, like a market peak.  Poor timing can result in lower returns or potential losses. 

      ● Concentrated Risk

      Depending on the investment option selected, a one-time investment plan with a high return may result in concentrated risk. For example, investing significantly in a single stock or sector can expose the investment to specific company or industry risks. Diversification, which helps reduce risk, may be limited in some one-time investment plans.

      ● Potential for Losses

      Risk is a component of all investments, and one-time investment plans are no different. Losses are always possible, particularly if the investment vehicle chosen underperforms or if market conditions are unfavorable. 

      ● Limited Flexibility

      Once a one-time investment has been made, it might be difficult to change it or withdraw money from it without paying fees or penalties.  This lack of flexibility can be a disadvantage if financial circumstances or investment goals change over time.

      Top One Time Investment Plans in India

      • For those looking for the best one time investment plan with high returns, India offers a wide range of investment opportunities.
      • There are many one time investment options available, whether it’s for achieving short-term financial objectives, planning for retirement, or building long-term wealth. 
      • These plans accommodate a range of risk appetites, investment amounts, and monetary goals. 
      • The top 10 best one time investment plans in India encompass a mix of options that provide the potential for growth, stability, and tax benefits.

      Best one Time Investment plan

      1. Mutual Funds

      • Mutual funds are popular among investors seeking diversification and professional management. 
      • To invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other assets, they pool the funds from numerous investors.
      • Mutual funds offer the advantage of professional fund management, allowing investors to benefit from the expertise of experienced fund managers.
      • They cater to different investor preferences by giving access to a range of investment strategies, asset classes, and risk profiles.
      • Mutual funds are a desirable one time investment for people looking for growth-oriented investments because they have the potential to produce higher returns over the long term.

      2. Real Estate Structured Debt

      • Real estate structured debt is one of the best one time investment plans. This option presents fixed income possibilities, underpinned by real estate assets used as collateral.
      • It ranks among the top one time investment plans, offering robust potential for high returns in India. 
      • This one time investment plan caters to senior citizens in India by giving them a reliable monthly income stream in the form of fixed returns.
      • It is also among the best investments in India for short-term tax savings.
      10 Lakhs Banner

      3. Fixed Deposits (FD)

      • Fixed deposits are a cautious one time investment choice with stability and assured returns. They involve depositing a lump sum with a bank or financial institution for a fixed period at a predetermined interest rate.  
      • Due to their reputation for being low-risk investments, fixed deposits are suitable for investors who have a low tolerance for risk. They offer a fixed rate of return, guaranteeing a steady flow of income. 
      • Fixed deposits are easily accessible, and the investment period can range from a few months to several years, allowing investors to choose a term that aligns with their financial goals.

      4. Public Provident Fund (PPF)

      • A long-term investment plan backed by the government is called the Public Provident Fund (PPF). It has a fixed interest rate and appealing tax advantages. PPF accounts can be extended in blocks of five years and have a 15-year maturity period.
      • PPF is a well-liked option for one time investment because of its safety, tax efficiency, and power of compounding.

      5. National Pension System (NPS)

      • A retirement savings programme supported by the government is called the National Pension System (NPS). By making investments in government securities, corporate bonds, and equity, it enables people to accumulate a retirement fund. Market-linked returns and tax advantages are provided by NPS. 
      • It provides flexibility in investment options and allows partial withdrawals under specific conditions.

      6. Gold

      • Gold has long been regarded as a secure one time investment plan.   It serves as a safeguard against inflation and market volatility. Individuals in India have the option of purchasing physical gold (jewelry and coins) or gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that follow the value of the metal. 
      • An investment portfolio benefits from the liquidity and diversification provided by gold investments.

      7. Stocks

      • Investing in stocks provides an opportunity to participate in the growth of publicly traded companies.  Stocks have the potential to increase in value and pay dividends.
      • However, investing in the stock market involves market volatility and requires a thorough knowledge of company fundamentals, market trends, and risk management techniques.

      8. Bonds

      • Bonds are fixed-income securities that are offered by corporations or governments. They pay periodic interest until maturity when the principal amount is returned.  Bonds provide consistent returns, making them a viable option for risk-averse investors looking for reliable income. 
      • Bonds with high ratings from corporations and the government are viewed as less risky than bonds with lower ratings.

      9. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

      • Investment funds known as exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are traded on stock exchanges similarly to individual stocks.  ETFs offer diversification by tracking specific indices or sectors.  
      • They enable investors to expose themselves to a variety of assets, such as stocks, bonds, commodities, or currencies. ETFs are renowned one time investment plan for their reasonable prices, openness, and flexibility.

      10. Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)

      • Investing in Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) allows individuals to buy shares of companies when they are first listed on the stock market. IPOs can provide significant returns if the company performs well. 
      • However, investing in IPOs carries inherent risks as the company may be unproven, and the market demand for the shares may fluctuate. Thorough research and analysis of the company’s fundamentals and future prospects are essential.
      • It’s crucial to keep in mind that each person’s ideal one time investment plan will vary depending on their financial objectives, level of risk tolerance, and investment preferences.It is advisable to consult with a financial advisor or conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions.

      Factors Affecting One time Investment Plan Decisions

      Several factors influence the decision-making process when selecting the best one-time investment plan. Here are some key factors to consider:

      1. Financial Goals

      The best one-time investment plan with high returns will depend significantly on the specific financial objectives a person wants to meet. If the goal is short-term, such as saving for a down payment on a house, an option with lower risk and quicker liquidity, like fixed deposits, may be preferred.

      2. Risk Tolerance

      The level of risk an individual is comfortable with is a critical factor.  Stocks and real estate are two of the best one-time investment plans that have high returns potential but also carry higher risks.On the other hand, conservative investors may prefer options like fixed deposits or bonds, which provide stability but may offer lower returns.

      3. Time Horizon

      The best one-time investment plan depends on the amount of time you have to invest before you need the money. With higher potential returns and volatility, more aggressive investment options are permitted with longer time horizons. Shorter time horizons may necessitate more conservative options to protect the principal amount.

      4. Liquidity Needs

      Certain investment plans, such as fixed deposits, provide simple liquidity, enabling people to access their funds as needed. Others, like real estate, might require a longer time horizon and have limited liquidity. Some investment plans, like fixed deposits, offer easy liquidity, allowing individuals to access their funds when needed. Others, such as real estate, may have limited liquidity and require a longer time horizon.

      5. Investment Knowledge and Experience

      Individuals with a good understanding of financial markets and investment instruments may be comfortable exploring complex investment options like stocks, mutual funds, or real estate. People with little knowledge might favor more straightforward investments like fixed deposits or gold.

      6. Market Conditions

      Current market conditions and economic trends should be taken into consideration when selecting the best one-time investment plan. The performance of different investment options can be impacted by market volatility, interest rates, inflation rates, and other macroeconomic factors.

      7. Tax Considerations

      Tax implications can significantly impact the overall returns on investment. Investment decisions can be made more effectively by being aware of the tax advantages and implications of various investment options, such as tax-saving mutual funds or tax-free bonds.

      8. Professional Advice

      Seeking guidance from financial advisors or investment professionals can provide valuable insights and help individuals make informed investment decisions based on their specific financial circumstances and goals.

      One Time Investments


      Risk tolerance, financial goals, time horizon, and market conditions must all be carefully considered when choosing the best one-time investment plan with high returns. Risks can be reduced and returns can be maximised with the help of diversification and expert counsel. The best one time investment plan can be a successful plan for building long-term wealth, regardless of the type of investment vehicle used, such as mutual funds, real estate, or other investment vehicles. People can maximise the potential for high returns and accomplish their financial goals by making well-informed decisions and staying current with market trends.

      Assetmonk distinguishes itself as an outstanding alternative investment platform in India, presenting a diverse range of appealing options for savvy investors. The Signature Series B stands out as a remarkable one time investment plan with a primary focus on real estate structured debt among their notable investment offerings. With a guaranteed Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 17.1 percent, this product currently offers investors a tempting chance to earn attractive returns. 

      Additionally, Investors could benefit from tax breaks worth up to Rs. 50,000. What makes this opportunity even more appealing is its accessibility, as individuals can commence investing in this product with a minimum amount of just Rs. 10 lakhs

      This low entry threshold ensures that a wide range of investors can participate and benefit from this exceptional investment opportunity.

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      Q1. How is a one-time investment plan different from regular investment options?

      A. A one-time investment plan requires a single significant upfront investment as opposed to more common investment options like systematic investment plans (SIPs) or recurring deposits, where people make smaller investments at regular intervals.

      Q2. How to invest 12 lakhs for monthly income?

      A. Structured debt real estate is the best way to invest Rs 12 lakhs to generate monthly income. Real estate assets are used as collateral for investment products known as “structured debt backed by real estate,” which provide fixed-income opportunities.Real estate-backed investments can offer attractive returns through interest payments and potential capital appreciation. Generally, these investments have the potential to yield returns ranging from 12 percent to 18 percent.

      Q3. Can I have multiple one-time investment plans?

      A. Yes, it is possible to have multiple one-time investment plans. By spreading your investments across a variety of asset classes or investment options, you can potentially reduce risk and increase returns. When managing multiple investment plans, it is crucial to take investment goals, risk tolerance, and overall portfolio diversification into account.

      Q4. Which investment will give me monthly income?

      A. Commercial real estate structured debts will give you monthly income. You only need to invest with just Rs. 10 lakhs and get an assured IRR of 17 percent via Assetmonk.

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